Comparative Analysis of Periodontal Pain According to the Type of Precision Orthodontic Appliances : Vestibular, Lingual and Aligners. A Prospective Clinical Study
PMID:33924818 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33924818/
Laura Antonio-Zancajo 1,* , Javier Montero 1 , Daniele Garcovich 2 , Mario Alvarado-Lorenzo 3 , Alberto Albaladejo 1 and Alfonso Alvarado-Lorenzo 1
1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Salamanca, Avenida Alfonso X el Sabio s/n, 37007 Salamanca, Spain; javimont@usal.es (J.M.); albertoalbaladejo@usal.es (A.A.); kuki@usal.es (A.A.-L.)
2 Department of Dentistry, European University of Valencia, Passeig de lÁlbereda, 7, 46010 Valencia, Spain; daniele.garcovich@universidadeuropea.es
3 Department of Dentistry, European University Miguel de Cervantes, Padre Julio Chevalier, 2, 47012 Valladolid, Spain; maalvarado@uemc.es
* Correspondence: lantoniozancajo@yahoo.es; Tel.: +34-920-302-064
Biology 2021, 10, 379.
key words
; pain
; location
; degree of pain
; low-friction brackets
; lingual orthodontics
; Invisalign; aligners
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